Monday, January 11, 2010
2010 has turned out great for me!
not to brag or anything but my life in pretty much the bomb right know!
This weeks been full of laughter, jokes and funniness!
here are the funniest lines I've heard this week:

Watch out for the flying fat ducks.. you never know were there coming from!
~My daddy!

OH MY GOODNESS!!! an eight year old mugging a teen! the insanity of it all!
~ME while hanging with my peeps*

Then it ran at him.. with his crazy squirrel in hand!
~ okay so I made that one up on the spot.
sue me.

well that's only some of it caus my lifes so...Laughable! so i hope you enjoyed!
and dance in the light of the moon!
Grace. (I'm flying!)
P.S I'm going to start posting pictures so brace yourself.
my lifes weird looking!

*= My sisters Hope and Andie.
posted by Gracie.L at 4:07 PM | 0 comments